The title: so overused but so good.

So I want to talk about sex. I think the world needs more frank conversation around Real Life™. Topics like:

  • anxiety
  • sadness
  • loneliness
  • pooping
  • sex

"Wow, that list was a trip Heather" you might be saying. "Anxiety and pooping in the same list?!" You know what though? Anxiety definitely makes me poop. Just saying. Now you know. Sorry not sorry. If this were a non-static site (ie, a site that could count button clicks), I would add a button with a counter so you, dear reader, could click-participate: "ME TOO". As it is, I'll just imagine you feeling relieved that someone else admitted it before you.

(Sidenote, I set up my right "alt" key as a "leader" key, which means when I press it, it changes the meaning of keys that come after. That means I can type alt + ' + e to get é, or alt + t + m to get ™, which is HECKIN cool and convenient and satisying. I love it. Making me feel like a powerful wizard. And all it took to configure was two clicks in "Gnome tweaks" on my Fedora system. Yissssss)

So I'm going to start posting about topics other than code. Maybe I'll also start posting en français (in French). If you dislike reading about sex and human bodies, maybe keep one eye covered when scrolling through my future posts, because that's definitely something I have thoughts about. Blogging is kindof like a weird form of journalling, and I love journalling. In the past I've thought thoughts like:

  • I can't write in two different languages, that's weird and confusing.
  • I hate liking a blog on a topic and then they start writing about other stuff, I don't want to subject my readers to that.
  • What if my professional life is affected by my candid expanded topics? (this sentence is weird, please send help.)

But realistically:

  • Google translate is a thing.
  • I also love getting to know my favourite bloggers/authors/personalities more when they expand topics. Also, is anyone really reading this stuff? Just pretend they're not. 😉
  • If future employers or collaborators don't like me...meh ;D

And I think it enriches my life and other people's lives when I expand my world and allow myself to fully wear my personality and express my interests. It takes some courage to break the wall of talking about something like sex or insecurity, and I'm into being brave. 😃

(Back to the sidenote about the leader key: using it is also like a super fun, really easy puzzle of determining what characters need to be put together to create the final result I want. Like for ç: it's a comma , before a c. So fun!)

So friends, check in soon for more escapades, contact me to share your thoughts and suggestions, and take a moment to think: What do you wish people talked more openly about? Can you be the one to start that conversation? Courage mes amis ! 😃 *

*: "(Bon) Courage" in French means something like "Good luck" + "You can do it"? I think that's a decent explanation of its meaning.